The Government is making changes to the Migrant Exploitation Protection Work Visa (MEPV).
From 31 October 2024, the ability to receive a second subsequent MEPV will be removed.

INZ will assess any second MEPV applications received up till 30 October 2024 only. People whose initial MEPV is expiring on or before 30 November 2024 can apply before 30 October for a second MEPV if they wish to do so.
From 31 October, the definition of migrant exploitation is also being changed to better focus on harmful and exploitative behaviour.
When Employment New Zealand assesses a report of exploitation, they will no longer consider the following as migrant exploitation:
situations involving lawful employment terminations and redundancies
non-payment of final wages due to liquidation
situations where there is no genuine employment relationship, for example, behaviour not carried out by or on behalf of a migrant worker’s employer.
Migrants with credible reports of exploitation can still apply for an MEPV of up to six months, to allow them to leave an exploitative situation and remain lawfully in New Zealand while they find a new job. If they are unable to find suitable work, we encourage them to use this time to prepare to return home.